季雨坤,男,四川眉山人,中國科協青年人才托舉工程入選者。2019年博士畢業于伟德官网bv,随即受歐盟“地平線2020”計劃資助前往英國諾丁漢大學開展博士後研究。現任國家高等學校學科創新引智基地(111基地)秘書長,主持國家自然科學基金、國家自然科學基金重點項目子課題、重大專項攻關課題、江蘇省自然科學基金、中國博士後科學基金面上項目、國家重點實驗室基金、校人才引進項目、中央高校基本科研項目、大型國企委托課題等多項項目。目前在111引智計劃支持下與比利時魯汶大學(世界50強)V. Vandeginste教授就深地空間綠色開發利用開展科研協同攻關。在國際著名期刊Fuel(中國科學院1區top)、Constr Build Mater(中國科學院1區top)、J Nat Gas Sci Eng(中國科學院2區)、Rock Mech Rock Eng(中國科學院2區)、Cold Reg Sci Technol(中國科學院2區)等國際期刊以第一/通訊作者身份發表SCI論文25篇,出版專著1部,參編地方标準1部,授權國家發明專利11項。擔任國際著名SCI期刊Fuel、Int J Rock Mech Min、Int J Heat Mass Tran、Appl Math Model、Soils Found等13個國際SCI期刊經常性審稿專家,且任英文期刊Deep Undergr Sci Eng學術編輯、應用力學學報青年編委,研究成果獲49屆日内瓦國際發明金獎1項,中國煤炭工業協會科技進步三等獎1項。
2019/4-2021/4,英國諾丁漢大學,博士後,導師:V. Vandeginste教授
2017/7-2018/7,英國諾丁漢大學,國家公派博士聯培,導師:M. Hall/V. Vandeginste教授
2019/4-2021/4,英國諾丁漢大學,化學學院,Research Fellow
1. 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目,42307202,主持;
2. 國家自然科學基金重點項目子課題,42230704,主持;
3. 江蘇省礦地融合重大專項課題,蘇财資環[2022]19号,主持;
4. 江蘇省自然科學基金青年基金項目,BK20221135,主持;
5. 中國博士後科學基金面上項目,2022M723400,主持;
6. 地下儲氫國際産業技術研發合作項目,KC23427,主持(R2);
7. 深部岩土力學與地下工程國家重點實驗室開放基金,SKLGDUEK2011,主持;
8. 科研啟動費,伟德官网bv人力資源部,102521227,主持;
9. 中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金項目,2022QN1038,主持;
10. 歐盟“地平線2020”計劃資助SECURe項目,764531,英方課題執行負責。
1. Ji, Y., Hennissen, J., Hough, E., Vandeginste, V. Geochemical element mobilisation by interaction of Bowland shale with acidic fluids. Fuel, 2021, 289: 119914. (中國科學院1區top, JCR Q1, IF=7.4)
2. Ji, Y., Walkinshaw, C., Belshaw, G., Vandeginste, V. Effect of polyacrylamide friction reducer on calcite dissolution rate at 25 °C and implication for hydraulic fracturing. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2021, 87: 103770. (中國科學院2區, JCR Q1, IF=5.3)
3. Ji, Y., Madhav, D., Vandeginste, V. Kinetics of enhanced magnesium carbonate formation for CO2 storage via mineralization at 200 °C. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2022, 121: 103777. (中國科學院2區, JCR Q2, IF=3.9)
4. Wang Q., Hu, Z., Ji, Y.* (通訊作者), Ma, J., Chen, W. Centrifugal model test based bearing characteristics and analytical model of uplift pile in combined composite ground. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2022, 55: 3525-3543. (中國科學院2區, JCR Q1, IF= 6.2)
5. Vandeginste, V., Hocknull, E., Fazeli, H., Ji, Y.* (通訊作者). Dolomitisation favoured by Lewis acidic background compounds in saline fluids. Environmental Earth Science, 2023, 82: 505. (JCR Q2, IF=2.8)
6. Ji, Y., Zhou, G., Zhou, Y., Vandeginste, V. Frost heave in freezing soils: A quasi-static model for ice lens growth. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2019, 158: 10-17. (中國科學院2區, JCR Q1, IF=4.1)
7. Vandeginste, V., Ji, Y.* (通訊作者), Buysschaert, F., Anoyatis, G. Mineralogy, microstructures and geomechanics of rock salt for underground gas storage. Deep Underground Science and Engineering, 2023, 2: 129-147.
8. Ren, Q., Li, X., Ji, Y.* (通訊作者), et al. Thermal insulation of phenolic resin modified fly ash geopolymer. Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 409: 133840. (中國科學院1區top, JCR Q1, IF=7.4)
9. Ji, Y., Wang, H., Li, X., Zhao, P., Wang, Q., Li, R., Vandeginste, V. Effect of anionic polyacrylamide polymer on frost heave mitigation and its implication for frost-susceptible soil. Polymers, 2023, 15: 2096. (中國科學院2區, JCR Q1, IF=5.0)
10. Wang, H., Ji, Y.* (通訊作者), Zhou, G., Zhao, X., Vandeginste, V. Frost heave mitigation of silt clay using nonionic polyacrylamide. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2023, 206: 103755. (中國科學院2區, JCR Q1, IF=4.1)
11. Ji, Y., Zhou, G., Hall, M. Frost heave and frost heaving-induced pressure under various restraints and thermal gradients during the coupled thermal-hydro processes in freezing soil. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2019, 78: 3671-3683. (JCR Q1, IF=4.2)
12. Zhang, J., Wang, H., Vandeginste, V., Miao, H., Guo, Y., Ji, Y.* (通訊作者), Liu, P., Peng, Y. Effect of litho-facies on nano-pore structure of continental shale in Shuinan Formation of Jiaolai Basin. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 2023, 228: 212020. (中國科學院2區, JCR Q1, IF=5.2)
13. 季雨坤,王欽科,趙國良,張健,馬建林. 斜坡上嵌岩抗拔樁豎向承載變形特性模型試驗及數值模拟. 岩土力學, 2023, 44(6): 1604-1614. (EI檢索, 卓越期刊)
14. Deng, L., Wu, Y., Ji, Y.* (通訊作者), Huang, Z., Zou, C. Physical and mechanical properties of granite after high temperature and acidic treatment for the enhanced geothermal system. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2022, 81: 407. (JCR Q1, IF=4.2)
15. Wang, Q., Hu, Z., Guo, Y., Ji, Y.* (通訊作者), Zhu, B., Ma, J. Investigation on uplift behavior of rock-socketed belled piles in horizontal and inclined ground using 1-g model test and 3D numerical method. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2024, accepted. (中國科學院2區, JCR Q1, IF= 6.2)
16. Ji, Y., Zhou, G., Zhou, Y., Zhao, X., Mo, P. A separate-ice based solution for frost heaving-induced pressure during coupled thermal-hydro-mechanical processes in freezing soils. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2018, 147: 22-33. (中國科學院2區, JCR Q1, IF=4.1)
17. Wang, Q., Hu, Z., Ji, Y.* (通訊作者), Ma, J., Chen, W. Model test of rock-socketed pile under axial and oblique tension loading in combined composite ground. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2022, 22: 04022182. (JCR Q2, IF=3.7)
18. Ji, Y., Zhou, G., Vandeginste, V., Zhou, Y. Thermal-hydraulic-mechanical coupling behavior and frost heave mitigation in freezing soil. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2021, 80: 2701-2713. (JCR Q1, IF=4.2)
19. Wang, Q., Ma, J., Ji, Y.* (通訊作者), Zhang, J., Chen, W. Determination of the ultimate bearing capacity of uplift piles using intact and non-intact load-displacement curve. Journal of Central South University, 2022, 29: 470-485. (JCR Q1, IF=4.4)
20. Ji, Y., Zhou, G., Hall, M., Vandeginste, V., Zhao, X. Thermal-hydraulic-mechanical coupling research on overburden pressure mitigated ice lens growth in the freezing soil. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2022, 26(4): 1606-1617. (JCR Q3, IF=2.2)
21. Wang, Q., Ma, J., Wang, M., Ji, Y.* (通訊作者). Field test on uplift bearing characteristics of transmission tower foundation in mountainous areas of western China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2021, 80: 745. (JCR Q2, IF= 2.8)
22. 季雨坤,周國慶,廖波,趙曉東.炭黑充填重塑粉土單軸壓縮裂隙群體發展演化測試. 複合材料學報, 2017, 34(3): 691-697. (EI 檢索, 卓越期刊)
23. Wang, H., Zhou, Y., Zhao, X., Ji, Y.* (通訊作者), Zhou, G. Experimental study on tensile strength of warm frozen soil based on hydraulic fracturing method. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2023, 212: 103883. (中國科學院2區, JCR Q1, IF=4.1)
24. Ji, Y., Ren, Q., Li, X., Zhao, P., Vandeginste, V. On thermal insulation properties of various foaming materials modified fly ash based geopolymers. Polymers, 2023, 15: 3254. (中國科學院2區, JCR Q1, IF=5.0)
25. Vandeginste, V., Lim, C., Ji, Y.* (通訊作者). Exploratory review on environmental aspects of enhanced weathering as a carbon dioxide removal method. Minerals, 2024, 14: 75. (JCR Q2, IF=2.5)
26. Li, R., Ji, Y.* (通訊作者), Chen, J., Chen, D., Cai, S. Size-dependent behaviour of representative volume element for granular material under gravity-induced stress gradient. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2022, 2022: 6560404. (JCR Q2, IF=2.1)
27. Ji, Y., Zhou, G., Zhao, X., Wang, J., Wang, T., Lai, Z., Mo, P. On the frost heaving-induced pressure response and its dropping power-law behaviors of freezing soils under various restraints. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2017, 142: 25-33. (中國科學院2區, JCR Q1, IF=4.1)
28. Hu, Z., S Qu, S., Wang, Q., Ji, Y.* (通訊作者), Ma, J. Pullout behaviour of belled piles under axial and oblique pull in soil-rock composite ground: an experimental study. International Journal of Civil Engineering, 2023, 21: 569-582. (JCR Q3, IF=1.7)
29. 季雨坤,王海航,周國慶,趙曉東,王欽科,李瑞林. 凍結鋒面移動控制的凍土凍脹控制研究. 伟德官网bv學報, 2023, 52(5): 943-951. (EI檢索, 卓越期刊)
1. 周國慶,周揚,胡坤,商翔宇,季雨坤. 《正凍土的凍脹與凍脹力》. 科學出版社, 2020. ISBN: 9787030664853.
1. 季雨坤,李曉昭,李福清,王欽科,李瑞林,王海航,陳君,趙鵬,幹沁,李福峰. 一種用于修複深部地層CO2洩露的化學注漿液及制備方法. 授權發明專利(ZL202111388475.9)
2. 季雨坤,王海航,李曉昭,劉江峰,幹沁,李瑞林,趙鵬,卞夏,王欽科,趙光思. 一種聚丙烯酰胺溶液改性土體減緩凍脹變形的方法. 授權發明專利(ZL202210272734.X)
3. 季雨坤,任泉鳴,李曉昭,王海航,趙鵬,李瑞林. 一種含熱塑性酚醛樹脂的粉煤灰地聚物隔熱材料及其制備方法. 申請發明專利(CN202311051472.5)
4. 季雨坤,任泉鳴,李曉昭,趙鵬,李瑞林,陳君,褚召祥. 一種粉煤灰基多孔地質聚合物隔熱材料及其制備方法. 申請發明專利(CN202311044479.4)
5. 李瑞林,陳君,陳大慶,季雨坤,周國慶,莫品強,蔡尚躍,王正宇,褚召祥. 一種基于生物固化技術的磁敏性模拟月壤的制備方法. 授權發明專利(ZL202111033652.1)
6. 趙曉東,周國慶,陰琪翔,陳鑫,梁亞武,季雨坤,呂亞. 一種梯度微觀結構土靜止土壓力試驗裝置及方法. 授權發明專利(ZL201410468902.8)
7. 廖波,周國慶,季雨坤,常傳源,趙曉東,周檀君. 一種模量匹配的二維平面應變場測試傳感元件及其制作方法. 授權發明專利(ZL201510395988.0)
8. 周國慶,李瑞林,莫品強,趙光思,季雨坤,張嘉睿,嚴康,趙曉東,陳君. 模拟深部太空星球重力場環境綜合試驗系統及試驗方法. 授權發明專利(ZL201710963439.8)
9. 周國慶,廖波,梁恒昌,王義江,季雨坤,常傳源,周檀君. 應力、應變或溫度異常區域監測傳感元件及其制作方法. 授權發明專利(ZL201510395814.4)
10. 周國慶,趙曉東,姜雄,賴澤金,呂長霖,季雨坤,劉一飛,張海洋. 一種近相變區凍土導熱系數測定裝置與方法. 授權發明專利(ZL201510403799.3)
11. 周國慶,姜忠宇,季雨坤,李瑞林,韓有民. 一種基于電磁場模拟複雜荷載的試驗裝置及其試驗方法. 授權發明專利(ZL201510844677.8)
12. 周國慶,李瑞林,林超,趙曉東,賴澤金,季雨坤,姜忠宇等. 開放式磁重力模型試驗系統重力場模拟裝置及其方法. 授權發明專利(ZL201510916116.4)
13. 趙曉東,路貴林,張明,賴澤金,季雨坤. 一種梯度圍壓加載方法. 授權發明專利(ZL201410470292)
1. 季雨坤(R1),中國科協第九屆青年人才托舉工程,中國科學技術協會,2023
2. 季雨坤(R5),日内瓦國際發明金獎,Intelligent Energy Underground Geostructure,2022.04(李曉昭, 趙鵬, 曹小為, 李福清, 季雨坤等)
3. 季雨坤(R9),中國煤炭工業協會科學技術三等獎,城市地下大型工程凍土牆檢測技術研究與應用,2022.12(陳耀文, 趙曉東, 楊金宏, 朱啟銀, 鄧賢松, 趙光思, 郭永富, 況聯飛, 季雨坤)
4. 季雨坤(R1),江蘇省土木工程專業優秀畢業生(博士研究生),2019.06
5. 季雨坤(R1),伟德官网bv優秀博士論文,2019.06
6. 季雨坤(R1),伟德官网bv優秀畢業生,2019.06
7. 季雨坤(R1),博士研究生國家獎學金,2018.11
8. 季雨坤(R1),伟德官网bv優秀創新博士獎學金,2018.10