題 目: Some Challenges in Structural Design:From Tensegrity to Kinetic Structures
報告人: 川口健一 教授 東京大學
時 間: 2019年4月15日(周一)上午10:00
地 點: 深部岩土力學與地下工程國家重點實驗室305報告廳
Dr. Ken'ichi Kawaguchi is a professor the University of Tokyo. He is working in the Institute of Industrial Science, one of the biggest engineering university institutes in Japan. He is an expert of building structures, especially spatial structures. He has designed and constructed several innovative structures, including typical tensegrity frames as building skeletons supporting membrane roofs, called White Rhino I and II, completed in 2001 and 2017, respectively, and a new large building for the department of engineering n.2 in the University of Tokyo. He has developed a new seismic base-isolation system, which has been already applied in several residential houses.
He is currently a vice president of IASS, International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures, in which he has been serving as a member of Executive Committee since 2012. He is also the chair of Shell and Spatial Structure Committee in the Architectural Institute of Japan and an EC member of Membrane Structure Association Japan.